
Keep the Emotional Tank Full

하마사 2006. 10. 16. 21:44

Keep the Emotional Tank Full


Today's Scripture

"Happy are those who long to be just and good, for they shall be completely satisfied." (Matthew 5:6)


Today's Word from Joel and Victoria


Every important relationship you have should be an opportunity to ask yourself, "How can I keep this person's emotional tank full?" Try to discover what the people around you need. People have different ways they express and receive love. We all have different kinds of needs and different ways that these needs are best met. These differences are part of what make our relationships exciting and fulfilling! Take the time to find out what your mate needs and how you can best meet those needs. Not only will this work in marriage, but in every other relationship of your life. You'll grow closer to your children, have more meaningful and fulfilling friendships, and find that your life takes on a new dimension and purpose when you focus on caring for others.


A Prayer for Today

God, I thank You for thinking so much of us. You loved us enough to give us everything. Give me strength so that I may look to fill the emotional tanks of others around me. Thank You for putting these special people in my life. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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